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What's a klatch?

noun, a social gathering, especially for coffee and conversation


The TBI Klatch, originally called the TBI Kaffee Klatch, was born during the COVID-19 pandemic so Kitsap Brain Injury support group members had a way to stay connected. It has become a weekly Zoom event for a growing virtual-family featuring casual, informal discussions about defining and surviving in a "new normal." Klatch is about compassion, acceptance, understanding, awareness, knowledge and rebuilding after brain injury.


TBI survivors, family and caregivers from Washington state and other locales are welcome to our online group but must register below to receive a Zoom invitation

how do I klatch?


  • ​Register your email and login per the instructions

  • You're welcome to hang out and just listen or ask questions, participate & share your experiences

  • The only requirements: be polite, be courteous, be non-judgmental and accepting, there's usually no single right or wrong way dealing with TBI issues

  • Zoom can be challenging for some TBI symptoms, please mute background noise and stop video if your device’s camera moves around

  • If you have connection problems, try logging out and back in

  • Please avoid interrupting or talking over others; use the “raise hand” feature in Zoom to comment or contribute in turn

  • If you are new to TBI and/or Zoom, just ask for help-we're a pretty friendly group

It's not a


let's talk

distinction with little difference


There are two fundamental kinds of brain injury: congenital (born with it) and acquired, sometimes called ABI. Acquired brain injuries include strokes, infections, diseases, and other causes, including TBI


TBI is further defined as one resulting from a traumatic event, such as a vehicle accident, fall, sports injury or other jolt to the head 


Mild TBI (mTBI) is sometimes used to describe concussions or closed-head injuries of lesser trauma or without loss of consciousness


Not every blow to the head causes TBI but each should to be taken seriously, particularly if symptoms persist; continued "mild" concussions can bring cumulative damage over time and significant brain changes


A first TBI increases the risk for another


As many survivors have learned, there is usually nothing mild about any brain injury; symptoms don't discriminate or care about your diagnosis


Every brain is unique

Every brain injury is unique

Learn from & help each other



tolerance for invalidation

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